O'i ystlys bur yn cwympo i lawr

(Cyflawnder Crist)
O'i ystlys bur yn cwympo i lawr
  Yn afon fawr lifeiriol,
Maddeuant llawn a hedd di-drai,
  Sydd i barhau'n dragwyddol.

Rhaid imi gael pob grâs, pob dawn,
  O'th drysor llawn yn gyfan;
Ac oni châf, fy enaid prudd
  A gyll y dydd yn fuan.

Dy wisg Dy Hun, cyflawnder hael,
  Raid imi gael yn mlaenaf;
Nid oes ond ofni dàn fy mron
  Nes caffwyf hon am danaf.

Dy nerth drachefn, rho imi'n rhan;
  Nid wyf ond gwàn yn erbyn
Torf o elynion creulawn cry'
  Yn wastad sy'n fy nghanlyn.

O! fy Iachawdwr gwerthfawr, rhâd!
  Nid oes ond gwaed Dy galon,
Yn unig gysur dàn y ne'
  Ddiddana'r pererinion.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Altona/Silesia (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Eidduned (J R Jones 1765-1822)
Gorphwysfa (Rees Williams 1846-1934)
Llanfihangel (<1835)
Padarn (John Roberts 1822-77)

  Rhan II - Mae Duw yn maddeu a glanhau
  O fy Iachawdwr gwerthfawr rhad
  Rhaid imi gael pob gras pob dawn
  Sancteiddrwydd im' yw'r Oen di-nàm

(The Fullness of Christ)
From his pure side falling down
  As a great flowing river,
Full forgiveness and unebbing peace,
  Is to endure eternally.

I must get every grace, every gift,
  From thy full treasure completely;
And unless I do, my sad soul
  Shall lose the day soon.

Thy own clothing, generous Righteousness,
  Is what I must get foremost;
There is only fearing under my breast,
  Until I get this around me.

Thy strength again, give me as a portion;
  I am only weak against
A crowd of cruel, strong enemies
  Who are constantly following me.

O my precious, gracious Saviour!
  There is only the blood of Thy heart,
As an only comfort under heaven
  Which will comfort the pilgrims.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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